Wen's Research Group
Wen Zhang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Principal Investigator
Phone: (973) 596-5520
Fax: (973) 596-5790
Email: wen.zhang@njit.edu
Office Location: Colton Hall 211
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Wanyi Fu
Email: wf44@njit.edu
Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2019
M.S., Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2014, Beijing, China
B.S. Mineral Processing Engineering, Central South University, 2011, Changsha, China
Wanyi has been a doctoral student in Wen's group since Aug. 2015. Her research focuses on nanoscale characterization of polymeric membranes and novel antifouling membrane filtration technologies. (See more)
Oral presentations:
1. Wanyi Fu, Wen Zhang. Nanoscale Hydrophobicity and Chemical Distribution of Surface Modified Polyethersulfone (PES) Membranes. NAMS 27th Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY, Jun. 11st, 2018.
2. Wanyi Fu, Wen Zhang. Probing Nanoscale Hydrophobicity and Chemical Distribution of Surface Modified Membranes. ACS 255th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, Mar. 18th, 2018.
3. Wanyi Fu, Wen Zhang. Nanoscale Imaging and Quantifying Chemically Modified Polymer Membrane Properties. MAST Center IAB Meeting, State College, PA, Apr. 23rd, 2018.
4. Wanyi Fu, Wen Zhang. Probing Nanoscale Hydrophobicity and Chemical Distribution of Surface Modified Polyethersulfone (PES) Membranes, Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition, Plainsboro, New Jersey, Nov. 14th, 2017.
5. Wanyi Fu. Nanoscale Imaging and Quantifying Chemically Modified Polymer Membrane Properties.
MAST Center IAB Meeting, Newark, NJ, Oct. 23rd, 2017.
6. Wanyi Fu. Nanoscale Imaging and Quantifying Chemically Modified Polymer Membrane Properties. MAST Center IAB Meeting, Fayetteville, AR, Apr. 24th, 2017.
7. Wanyi Fu. Nanoscale Imaging and Quantifying Chemically Modified Polymer Membrane Properties. MAST Center IAB Meeting, Boulder, CO, Oct. 20th, 2016.
8. Wanyi Fu. Nanoscale Imaging and Quantifying with Hybrid AFM technology. ACS 252nd Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 21st, 2016.
9. Wanyi Fu. Nanoscale Imaging and Quantifying Chemically Modified Polymer Membrane Properties. MAST Center IAB Meeting, Newark, NJ, Apr. 18th, 2016.
Poster presentations: (See posters)
1. Wanyi Fu, Microwave-enhanced Membrane Filtration for Water Treatment, AEESP student poster session, Princeton University, Oct. 8th, 2018.
2. Wanyi Fu, Wen Zhang. Probing Functionalized Nanomaterials on Filtration Membranes at Nanoscale using Hybrid AFM. 1st Pan American Congress of Nanotechnology. São Paulo, Brazil, Nov. 27th, 2017.
3. Wanyi Fu, Experimental and Modeling Assessment of the Roles of Hydrophobicity and Zeta Potential in Chemically Modified Polyethersulfone Membrane Fouling Kinetics, AEESP student poster session, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Aug. 24th, 2017.
4. Wanyi Fu, Characterization and Antifouling Performances Study of Chemically Modified Polyethersulfone (PES) Membranes, Dana Knox Student Research Showcase, New Jersey Institute of Technology, April 19th, 2017.
5. Wanyi Fu, Low Cost Ceramic Membrane Application on Drinking Water Treatment, AEESP student poster session, Columbia University, Oct. 28th, 2016.
6. Wanyi Fu, Low Cost Ceramic Membrane Application on Drinking Water Treatment, AWWA annual conference student poster contest, Atlantic City, March 16th, 2016.
7. Wanyi Fu, Low Cost Ceramic Membrane Application on Drinking Water Treatment, NJEN annual poster session, Princeton University, March 1st, 2016.
Conference Presentations(See posters)
1. Founding President Best Paper Award, CAPEES, Apr. 2019
2. John J. LaGrosa Scholarship Award, The New Jersey Water Environment Association (NJWEA), May 2018
3. CEE Doctoral Excellence Award, NJIT, May 2018
4. ACS Environmental Chemistry Division Certificate of Merit, ACS, May 2018
5. ENVR Graduate Student Award, ACS, Feb. 2018
6. Global Top 1% Peer Review Awards, Publons, Sep. 2018
7. Travel award, 1st PANNANO Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov. 2017
8. Excellence Graduation Poster Prize, 12nd Graduate Student Research Day, NJIT, Nov. 2016
9. First place in student poster competition, AWWA NJ 81st Annual Conference, Atlantic City, Mar. 2016
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