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Wen's Research Group
Integrated Reactive Ceramic Membrane Processes for Point of Use in Water Pollutant Treatment
Microwave-enhanced membrane filtration for higher 1,4-dioxane removal and better antifouling performance.
Wen Zhang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Principal Investigator
Phone: (973) 596-5520
Fax: (973) 596-5790
Email: wen.zhang@njit.edu
Office Location: Colton Hall 211
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Our research goal is to potentially replace or strengthen existing water treatment processes (Flocculation/Coagulation, Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, RO, and UV-O3) and achieve treatment goals for multiple pollutants. Our ongoing work includes:
I.Biomass concentration
II.PPCP degradation
III.Algae, Bacteria and virus removal
Developing sustainable and efficient membrane filtration technologies is not only critical for safe drinking water supply but also important for many chemical processing or refineries such as biomass separation and biofuel production. Traditional membrane filtration faces major challenges such as polymer aging, membrane fouling, and high costs. Our research is to develop an innovative and multifunctional reactive membranes and membrane filtration systems.
Our approaches include
(1) photo-Fenton reactive or reaction driven membrane filtration;
(2) Electrochemical (Fenton) oxidation and reduction membrane filtration;
(3) Microwave-enhanced membrane filtration
(4) Other field excitation based membrane filtration.
Figure below illustrates the basic concepts of photocatalytic membranes with surface coating of catalysts