Explore the Nano World
Wen's Research Group
Wen Zhang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Principal Investigator
Phone: (973) 596-5520
Fax: (973) 596-5790
Email: wen.zhang@njit.edu
Office Location: Colton Hall 211
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05. 2016 Congratulations! Mehaz Moon and Andrea Cano received the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship ($3000 per person)
04. 2016 Liyuan Kuang, successfully defended her thesis and granted PhD. Congratulations!
07. 2016 Thanks for scholarship from Sustainable Energy Fund
03. 2016 Wanyi Fu received Student Research Poster Competition First Place Award from AWWA New Jersey
10. 2016 Likun and Wanyi joined the poster session in the AEESP lectureship at Colombia University
03. 2016 Arisha Javed received the 2016 spring Phase I URI Student Seed Grant ($500)
04. 2016 The undergraduate research innovation (URI) team lead by Dr. Wen Zhang received the 2016 TechQuest First Place (1st Time) Award
03. 2016 Development of Reactive Nanobubble Technology for Efficient and Scalable Algae and Cyanotoxin Removal