Explore the Nano World 

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 Wen's Research Group​

Wen Zhang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE

Principal Investigator

Phone: (973) 596-5520 
Fax: (973) 596-5790
Email: wen.zhang@njit.edu

Office Location: Colton Hall 211

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The Research and Technology Transfer Committee (RTTC) of Aermican Water Works Association(AWWA) NJ section, in collaboration with NJIT, hosted the 2017 Innovative Water Treatment Technology and Emerging Research Workshop to connect academia, researchers, students, and industry in the drinking water community. Dr. Wen Zhang, Associate Professor at NJIT, led the organization of this event on September 14th at NJIT. The event included drinking water-focused presentations by several NJIT professors, as well as professors at Montclair State University, Drexel University, and Temple University.  RTTC acts as a liaison with other national and State associations, foundations, academia and regulators for the exchange of information and project ideas. The mission is to disseminate pertinent research information to members, promote collaborations between New Jersey water utilities and universities, and develop a mechanism to solicit research needs of the Section and its membership (see details: http://www.njawwa.org/page/RTTC). This workshop attracted 45 attendees that included 5 RTTC committee members, 22 faculty members, and 23 graduate or undergraduate students from NJIT and other neighbor universities. This workshop started with a welcome and introduction by Dr. Wen Zhang and an opening remark by the NCE Dean Dr. Moshe Kam who addressed the challenges about the water treatments facing to the engineers and researchers community. The director of MAST center Dr. Kamalesh Sirkar presented the research opportunities in the membrane research center, which offers immense opportunities for collaborations between the industries and the academic institutes.

There were nine faculty presentations, covering different facets of water treatments and remediation research. For example, biological treatment processes for 1,4-dioxane, water treatment and reuse with low-cost absorbent, biotechnologies for wastewater treatment and recovery, nanobubble application and membrane filtration on water treatment, biologically active filters for emerging contaminants, stormwater infrastructure, and water quality model prediction. After the lunch networking, the RTTC members were invited to have lab tours at Drs. Lisa Axe, Mengyan Li, and Wen Zhang’s laboratories. 

News on Innovative Water Treatment Technologies and Emerging Research Workshop

At the poster session, we had more than 20 student posters from NJIT, Montclair State University, Temple University, Drexel University, Stony Brook, Columbia University, New York University, Rutgers University, Stevens and Villanova University. This poster session offered excellent opportunities for students and faculty to network, exchange their ideas and discuss different frontier research projects. This poster session was hosted in honor of Dr. Pedro J. Alvarez and his lectureship sponsored by the Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors Faculty (AEESP). Dr. Pedro J. Alvarez is the George R. Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rice University. He gave a keynote speech on Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment to Address Growing Challenges of the Water-Energy Nexus after the student poster session.  

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