Explore the Nano World 

 Wen's Research Group​

Wen Zhang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE

Principal Investigator

Phone: (973) 596-5520 
Fax: (973) 596-5790
Email: wen.zhang@njit.edu

Office Location: Colton Hall 211

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Dr. Zhang presented a talk on Induction-based Interfacial Membrane Distillation for Superior Water Recovery, where he utilized the same concept and device setup of the induction-heating membrane distillation to explore air water harvesting as illustrated below and obtained meaningful results.  

Besides the conference, Dr. Zhang visited the ASU campus where he studied for 2 years at the beginning of his Ph.D. program and the restaurant where he used to eat for lunch. He also visited and met professors such as Dr. Morteza Abbaszadegan, who taught him the environmental microbiology class at ASU.  

First National Atmospheric Water Extraction Summit

This first National Atmospheric Water Extraction Summit was organized by researchers at Arizona State University in Global Center for Water Technology on February 8-9, 2024. The meeting gathered over 100 participants from industries and academia.